
Friday, December 30, 2011

Can't wait for 2012!

My last cycle was more painful than it usually is. For some reason I hoped that the acupuncture would make it better immediately. Impatient as always…

The acupuncturist recommended me ginger tea for the pain and it really does help. The first day of my cycle was awful and I had to come earlier from work because I couldn’t bear staying a minute more. I still don’t know how I drove back home. The following days I could manage the pain with ginger tea, Red Raspberry leaves and warm water bags.

I also have been trying to avoid foods and drinks that can make endometriosis worse, but it is really hard. Almost everything I like affects estrogen. This web site is very informative with you want to start an endometriosis diet:

I eliminated almost everything from my diet, except for bread, cheese and wine. How can a woman live without these?

The year is almost ending and a new year always brings hope that everything will be different. I can’t wait for the turn of the year and forget how crazy this year was. Drugs, infertility, surgery and pain shall be in my past.

My New Year’s resolution: exercise more and don’t give up in finding a way to make my endo symptoms disappear.

Wishing you all a great 2012!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My first acupuncture session

Today I had my first acupuncture session here in Virginia. As I promised I am going to try everything I find out there about endometriosis and infertility. It seems that many women feel that acupuncture has helped them. Even my RE said that she recommends acupuncture if you consider doing in-vitro fertilization. I haven’t got there yet. Before I move on to IVF I want to try everything else.

To be honest I still have mixed feelings about acupuncture. I guess I am one of those who only believe when they can see real results. Also, we are so used to the western medicine treatments that when we experience a different kind of treatment it feels weird or not effective.

However, I still remember how my grandmother had a kind of tea for everything and rely in massages for certain ailments. As a matter of fact, she had 8 children, beat cancer, went through heart surgery and still lived to the age of 95, reasonably health and conscious.

Going back to the session, the acupuncturist asked me a lot about my general health and others aspects of life, even about my relationship with my father. I choked up, but it gave me a sense that he knows what he is doing. My doctor never asked me this kind of questions. I feel like she is going through a list of things to do and not treating me as an individual. First sperm count, then blood test, HSG, Laparoscopy, Clomid, IUI and etc.

The practitioner prescribe me Pharm Max fish oil. In my individual case, it seems that fat might be an issue. My RE also mentioned that my weight is a little below normal. I didn’t pay much attention because my body has been the same for the last 10 years.

Acupuncture should help to improve the flow of blood and bring more stability and balance to my body. I guess I should see results soon, right?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My experience with Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus Idaeus)

When I first found out I had Endometriosis I came across some information about a few herbs that were indicated to relieve endometriosis’ symptoms.
From the ones I tried Red Raspberry Leaves was the only one that gave me pain relieve almost immediately. I usually have heavy cramps in the first 2 days of my period that put me into bed. When I was working I had to take 2 Ibuprofen 500 mg before leaving the house and keep taking them throughout the day and I would still have waves of pain at some point.
The last 3 cycles I had I might have taken 5 Tylenol total or less. The Red Raspberry Leaves really eased the pain when it was intense, so I could tolerate it and when the cramps were mild it would disappear within 20 minutes after taking 1 capsule of this herb.

Red Raspberry leaf has an ingredient which tones the uterus and muscles of the pelvic region. Red Raspberry leaf is historically known among midwives and women. It relieves painful periods, heavy periods, morning sickness associated with pregnancy, preventing miscarriage, and easing labor and delivery.

While it does help the pain there are some studies that show that Red Raspberry leaf acts like estrogen, therefore should not be used by women who have endometriosis. I asked my doctor she didn’t seem concerned, and said it affects every person differently. I think doctors prefer not to recognize or even acknowledge the benefits of alternative treatments.

Have any of you tried any other herb supplement, tea or any other kind of alternative treatment that helped your endometriosis symptoms?

Next week I start acupuncture. I will keep you all updated ;)

Please post here and let’s help each other find a way to win this war against endometriosis.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Declaring war against Endometriosis

I found out I had Endometriosis a year ago. I have had all the symptoms ever since I had my first menses but no doctor ever mentioned this condition. Cramps are normal, every woman has it. Suck it up.
I have been trying to get pregnant for the last two years. Tired of having people constantly telling me to relax and that it will happen when I least expect it, I decided to go to my gynecologist and he sent me to a specialist.  
 First thing, blood tests, ultra sounds, sperm count… everything looks fine. With a weird feeling I go to the last test in the list: HSG.  The Hysterosalpingogram (what an awful name) showed that both tubes were blocked.  Few months later I had a Laparoscopy and it was confirmed: Endometriosis Stage II.

For my surprise the fallopian tubes were flushed and they were open. So nothing had to be removed. The doctors decided to not remove the scar tissue that is pulling my left fallopian tube to the side and probably causing tubal infertility. They say removing the tube would cause more damage than improve my actual situation.
I started Clomid and IUI this summer. All BFN. Today is the end of my third cycle. I feel hopeless and I am starting to lose my faith. I am tired of the waiting. I am tired of this pain. I am sick and tired of endometriosis.
Today, I declare war to endometriosis.
I will be doing, reading and researching everything that is out there about endometriosis.
 Please, stop telling me to relax and join me in this journey. Bring information and your own experience.
There must be an answer out there.

What is Endometriosis?

I was looking for some general information about Endometriosis to post it here and I just found this short but very informative video at

Send it to your family and friends, or anyone you think might need this information.
(Show it to your husband, it might help him understand what we are going through)

Endometriosis from on Vimeo.

Discuss with you doctor if you think you might have Endometriosis. Be the first one to bring it up in your next appointment. Many symptoms of Endometriosis can be confused with other conditions and by not mentioning it you might not get the appropriate treatment.

- Video downloaded from