
Friday, April 27, 2012

Prolactin and IVF

After lots of convincing, fighting, tears and endless talks, my hubby and I decided to go ahead and contact some infertility clinics for the possibility of doing IVF.

I contacted two here in the area. One of them was the New Hope Center. I heard and add in the Radio and decided to call. Before I could say much, they told me they didn’t accept my insurance and the costs reach a minimum of 10.000 excluding drugs. I was expecting high costs already, but it still hurts to hear. 

The other one I contacted and booked an appointment was The Jones Institute. I have heard many good things about them through other friends that have been in the same situation. The person that contacted me after the email I sent was very delicate and informative. They have a risk share program that if you qualify to participate, you could receive a refund in case you don’t get pregnant.
I don’t know if I would qualify, but I’d like to think I am a good candidate since nobody has really found anything wrong with me.  I did book an appointment but as usual my first visit is almost 2 months away.

Since we did not have anything to do but wait, we decided to contact two other clinics in my husband’s country back in Europe just to compare and know what all our options are. First doctor I did not like at all. For some reason I couldn’t trust what he was saying. The second clinic has been amazing though. Today the doctor sent us a two pages email explaining the whole thing after revising my medical files. What surprised me was that after explaining the IVF procedure and all the things we would have to do and when to be there, he said that my prolactin was way too high for my age. Interestingly enough I had pointed out the same to my RE here in the US right before the four IUI cycles I had last year. She actually repeated the test, but stopped looked into it since the second test was in the range (although it was in the high end). 

The doctor explained in his email that with his experience and with my files he could bet that was the problem. He also said prolactin is the hormone of stress. My husband looked at me with a smirk in his face as he translated this part of the email. I do have to agree with him, I have been very touchy and anxious about everything.  He prescribed a pill that should control the prolactin and suggested I had primrose evening oil for the next weeks. He actually said if we are not in a hurry for the IVF we should try on our own for the next 2-3 months to see if controlling this hormone would help. 

What kind of doctor will give you an option that doesn’t involve thousands of dollars? I just have a really good feeling about this one.


  1. Hello! Just found your blog and wanted to tell you I am a fellow endo sufferer and had the same thing happen to me with my prolactin levels. They came up high on my first test and then came up on the higher end of the normal range on the second test. This concerned me as well but my doctor thought nothing of it either and did not pursue it either.

    Have you had a laparoscopy? That helped me get pregnant for the first time in two years, unfortunately I miscarried. We are now pursuing ivf.

    Good luck on your journey--i will be following along and hope you get your bfp soon!!

    PS I read your post on European fertility treatments--my family is from Greece and you can't even imagine the random things they have been giving me to help my fertility. I go along with it though--it can only help! Here is my blog as

  2. Hello Gina! You should definitely pursue a way to lower your prolactin levels. I can give you the name of the medicine I am taking. Here in the U.S. you need a prescription but any other place in the world it is an over the counter medication.
    My new doctor back in Europe send it to me and wanted me to take it for 8 weeks before attempting IVF.

    I am so disappointed with doctors. Specially in here. I never thought that they would be so oriented to the financial part of treating a patient. I am absolutely scandalized how things work in this country regarding medicine, insurance and etc. But, well, there is no place where everything is perfect. If you have family in Greece maybe you can ask one of them to bring this medicine for you. Or buy online from Canada.

    I did have a Laparoscopy. It was a waste of my time. They did not do anything. At first they were going to remove my tubes because they though they were the problem, but then they saw that my tubes are fine, healthy and open.

    I never got pregnant! I am willing to try anything that could help as well.. I started taking the aspirins as my friend suggested... We will see what happens...

    I will read later your blog... our stories might be a lot similar.

  3. I'd love to know the name of the medication you are taking--i definitely think I can get it somehow!

    I know what you mean about the medical field here-- it is all about money. However, I think this also helps bring the best and most capable doctors here, so its sort of a double-edged sword.

    It must be difficult but please keep faith that you WILL get pregnant. I remember thinking for a long time it was not physically possible for me, but it was, and it is for you too. It takes us girls with endometriosis longer, but it is going to happen for you.

  4. The name of the medicine is Dostinex. You can read about it here:

    It should be around 11 dollars per pill. My doctor prescribed me 8 pills to take one per week. Take it during the night, because it makes you dizzy. I feel like I will faint during the whole next day. It might lower you blood pressure as well.

    After reading about prolactin I realized it is very related to your stress level. I am trying as much as I can to keep calm and anxiety free, which is very difficult. I am anxiety in person.

    I have faith it will happen. I just wish it was a easier process. Keep me updated please, I will be checking your blog as well.

    I already think it is very interesting you have Endometriosis and high levels of prolactin. It is nerve wrecking the lack of study in this area. When I started this blog my intention was to find more people going through the same and learn from other's experience.

  5. Thanks for the info on the medication--i am going to look into it! I am happy I found someone who has a similar history to me too! I honestly have not found anyone yet with the same prolactin issue.

    I have a very stressed personality also, same as you! I think we need to try things to keep us relaxed and stress-free.

  6. I try and really hard to be stress free but it is just impossible.. so I am going to the gym more often and also taking Valerian herbs pills from time to time, when I feel I am too anxious... I love the effect it has on me... it doesn't make me sleepy, but it relaxes my whole buddy...

    I am happy you found me as well... let's keep each other informed... let me know if you could get the medicine, but read about it before.. I believe we know much more about our own condition then doctors!!
