
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fertility recipe from eastern europe countryside

I have a very dear friend and God know how I value her patience as I am always complaining to her about my fertility issues. As a good friend that understands what I am going through (she also had fertility issues for almost 2 years before her dear daughter was born) she is always passing along information that might help with infertility. 

This time someone told her that if you are having fertility issues you should take 2 aspirins around and apply a bandage in your lower back with crushed mustard seeds after intercourse when ovulating. According to my friend, the aspirin would “open” the blood vessels increasing blood flow. Applying the mustard seeds in your lower back would help to increase the temperature in this area, helping to increase the blood flow, now in your ovaries and tubes.

When I told my husband about this recipe he wasn’t really convinced but I was intrigued and decided to look up for some information or search someone else that had tried it. I couldn’t find anything in the forums and Google search, but from what I read this recipe might make sense.
The mustard seeds are known for penetrating deep into your skin and having a warm effect in the area you apply it. 

The aspirin don’t really open the blood vessels but if taken in a long term basis it might increase blood flow to the uterus (helping implantation and even releasing more than one egg per cycle) and prevent blood clotting that might block the flow of things. From what I’ve read many doctors prescribe a daily dose of baby aspirin when patients need help with fertility.

So, based on the facts I would change the recipe for taking one Baby aspirin every day (which is a lower doses of aspirin, it contains about 81 mg or less of aspirin) and apply the mustard seeds to the lower back after intercourse during fertile week. You can crush the mustard seed and mix with a little flour and olive oil to make it sticky, so it stays where it is supposed to.

However, aspirin has its adverse effects. The most common I’ve read it is the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. As always, you get a medicine to help one thing and it damages another.

If this cycle doesn’t work I think I might start taking baby aspirin for a while as well. My bed side is getting crowded with medicine bottles…


  1. That's really interesting about the mustard seed! I personally avoid aspirin, even low dose prevents ovulation for me and I don't O until I stop taking it. My RE recommended I take it "just in case" because "it can't hurt", but obviously in my case it does more harm than good! If I take it at all it's after ovulation.

    Regarding your comment on my blog: I'm doing the testing through Dr. Sher in Las Vegas ( Basically he reviews your TTC medical history and recommends tests. The lab he uses is ReproSource and they contact you, mail you the supplies, and you either go to your doctor or stand alone lab to get your blood drawn or ReproSource can send someone to your house/work to draw the blood for you. Then it's overnighted to the lab(s) and you get the results in about 1-2 weeks with the doctor you had the original consult with! The consults are free, the testing cost varies but some insurance companies cover it. For my 4 tests they billed $2,333 to insurance but if nothing or very little is covered they give me a "cash price" and I'll only have to pay $409.

  2. Thank you! You are always very informative! I do have a problem with my insurance though, it is very limited, but I will investigate

    Now we are trying to control my prolactin with medication. My new RE is confident that will be more than enough and the primrose oil for the Endometriosis to get me pregnant.

    I just want it to happen already, you know? I am so ready...

    The aspirin, .. well I have been taking it sporadically the normal doses of 300 mg, because I have been exercising a lot and I have been sore almost every other day... I don't think I have a problem with ovulation. I believe I ovulate every month.

    This month was weird because I had spotting on CD11 and it has never happened before... I just hope it means "change" .. I am so tired of the same every month.
