
Monday, August 27, 2012

News on my IVF cycle

I finally met my doctor personally after months of Skype consults and emails translated by my husband. Well, I had a good feeling about him. He made the effort to speak in English, and his English was surprisingly good, there were a few American and German diplomas and certificates hanging in his office. I can feel he wants to help me and not only take our money away. 

In the ultrasound he found the “endometrioma” in like 3 seconds. I still wonder why no doctor ever mentioned it to me during my yearly examination, or that my American RE needed a laparoscopy to know if I in fact had endometriosis. In his opinion most probably my endometriosis wasn’t the problem since 1 in every 2 women he screens has it. 

He is a little disappointed that I only produced 4 eggs during the stimulation which made he think that during the 4 insemination-cycles I was either producing empty follicles or the quality of the eggs were not good (endometriosis plus high levels of prolactin are factors in egg quality).  He said that Clomid can be deceiving and that he does not use it with his patients. 

I am not really happy with the news but I am learning not to be devastated with infertility matters. I still have faith I will have children, if not now, at some point in my life. We decided that we will go on with the procedure. The doctor adjusted my injections doses and now I will be having 2 injections per day instead of one. Yay! It is basically the same dose but spread during the day, so we can imitate the body’s natural release of hormones. 

My very skilful hubby is giving me all the injections and doing a great job. It barely hurts, I feel a little light headed because of my fear of needles, but nothing major. First injection the poor guy was all sweat but now he is a true professional. 

Monday we will be doing the retrieval. We have to be there punctually at 8.30 am and I will be sleeping during the whole thing (thanks God). Cross your fingers for me please! :)

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