
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yesterday's visit

Yesterday we went to our last visit before the retrieval. We signed everything that we had to sign and finally our doctor said my LH levels are higher than it should, which means I could ovulate prematurely. At this point there is nothing we can do, keep going and on Monday check again, in case I have already ovulated we will have to cancel the whole thing.

I am trying not to lose my peace over this but I can't hide I am a little frustrated. My hubby seems to keep hopes up. I fear for him.

Today we got some more annoying news. They found a bacteria in my vaginal screen that kills sperm. Now I have to use a medicine called Metronidazole to make sure this bacteria don't interfere with anything on Monday. Wikipedia says 1 in every 3 women will have a vaginal bacteria at least once in their life.

I ask myself how did nobody ever checked me for that? More than 2 years trying to conceive, I'd think they would check me thoroughly before sending me for surgery or infertility treatments. Maybe this bacteria is a new thing. Who knows... Doctors should understand that the basis of their science should be first find the problem and then cure it and not try several treatments until they find a result.

Does anyone ever wonders how population grow being so hard to conceive? I've been thinking about it lately...


  1. Have you read "Making Babies: A prove 3 month program to maximum fertility"? They have a section in there about vaginal bacteria that kills sperm/prevents implantation. When I read it I also wondered why doctors don't immediately test for it or why certain bacteria isn't tested for during a routine pap smear... Good luck! I'll be keeping my FX those eggs stay in place and wait for your retrieval!

  2. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that those eggies stay put! I know how frustrating it must be to find out about the bacterial stuff now--I too have always been suspicious that doctors are not thorough enough. Hopefully IVF will circumvent whatever problems the bacteria may have caused though. When is your retreival?

  3. Thank you guys for the support.
    Socialite: no i havent read it, but i will look it up. I am so unpleased with the medicine in the States. When we moved there I was expecting much more, and I still can not understand where all the money goes, because it is far the most expensive health care I ever had.

    Georgia: my retrieval is on Monday. I dont think i will last until then. Today I woke up feelinf my nipples hyper sensitive and feeling a little nervous, or uneasy... Usually i feel this way during surge... When I ovulate or close to my period...

    Anyway, at least I am getting answers from what might be the cause of not getting pregnant for so long. We met a lady that did IVF with this doctor, she came all the way from canada to see him and she qualifies him as not only a doctor, but a healer...

  4. I so hope that they stay put. I am thinking positive for you!
