
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One week after transfer, one week to go

Today is officially the end of the first week wait. It was not that terrible really. I mean, of course I am constantly over analyzing my symptoms but the time seemed to fly. I am still sleeping off the time difference.

The trip back to the U.S. wasn’t so bad. Fortunately I was able to sleep half of the trip, also I found very kind people in my way that would help me with my hand luggage. I read that I shouldn’t lift more than 5 pounds, so I packed I really light hand luggage, only a jacket and my laptop.

I also read a lot about resting and diets that you should do after the transfer. To be sincere I am not following anything strictly. All the suggestions people give contradict each other and I am afraid of doing something wrong, trying to do the right thing. I decide I will continue with my life normally and just try to take it easy in exercise or heavy food. I have been having soup almost every day. First, I love soups, and because it is easier for the stomach to process. I want my whole buddy concentrating its energy in hugging the embryos and making a nice and healthy environment for them to grow strong.

I do have a little anecdote from my trip. On the longest flight from Zurich to Philadelphia I had the company of a very persistent Protestant-Christian-Republican guy. As soon as we started talking I thought to myself and actually even told him that I wasn’t interested in discussing very deep stuff. Obviously we wouldn’t share the same point views. I realized he would try to start a conversation all the time and try to steer it to a religious topic. When the plane was getting close to land he became very aggressive and like in a rush to preach me his agenda.

I lived in many countries and I think I am learning how to be more and more tolerant, not only religiously wise but in all aspects. I used to love debating but I learned that only words won’t change opinions that easily. I mean, you should have an opinion and beliefs but if you choose to share it with others you have to be prepared to have someone disagreeing with you and understand that he might be right even when being wrong. One single thing can be looked at so many different perspectives that I will never be so arrogant as to think I know it all. “The more I learn the less I know”, “all I know is that I know nothing” … Just to conclude, protestants, Christians, republicans, liberals, atheists, Catholics, democrats, everybody, do not alienate people. I end the conversation with the guy being a little rough but still politely enough. I didn’t want to get nervous or stressed and hurt my little embryos with a conversation that had no benefit at all for both of us.

I have been feeling cramps ever since the transfer. Every time I stand up I have very sharp cramps that last for 5 seconds and the completely go away. I typed into Dr. Google and the comments were from “implantation cramps” to “early miscarriage”. We found our doctor yesterday on Skype and we asked him because yesterday I was feeling really dizzy as well. The doctor said that cramps are a good sign and 9 days after transfer I might feel my breasts more sensitive.

Just for my despair, today I have no cramps. I only wished I could know if it worked before I have to take all the remaining injections. I have a feeling the next week will be way longer than the last one.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are through your first week already. Will you test on your own or are you going to get a beta after the two week wait? I am glad it went by fast for you and I hope the second week is the same!

    Sounds like you sat near an annoying guy on the airplane haha. I try to stay away from convos like that on a flight, especially a long one where you can't get away otherwise!

    I am here hoping and praying for a nice BFP for you in a few days--sending you lots of luck and baby dust!
