
Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Transfer

On Wednesday, I had a 2 days transfer. I read a lot around and I see that there are a lot of discussions about it since most clinics do a 3-5 day transfer. From the forum discussions I concluded that the most recent ones mention a 2 day transfer, maybe it is a new trend. I actually agree with my doctor when he says he prefers the embryo to be transferred as soon as possible and let the womb work its miracle.

We had a nice long talk before the transfer because the two beds were occupied with 2 ladies that had just had their transfer. We have to lay down for a little over an hour after the transfer. He told me that from my four eggs, one was inactive, probably too old and another one were not mature enough to be fertilized. We ended up with 2 embryos of 2 cells. He explained that on day 2 they should be between 2-4 cells. He expressed a little concern saying that they multiplied that morning instead of doing it during the night; they had then an 8 hours “develop-delay”.

As he is explaining everything to me I am laughing inside my head. I am known for not being a night person, my husband loves going out at night and I always hated it. I like going to sleep around 10 and my brain starts working only in the morning after my coffee jump start.

The transfer was exactly like an insemination. The doctor opened my cervix and inserted a catheter that contained the 2 embryos. He looked in the microscope right before doing it and told me that one of the embryos had already become a 3 cell embryo. He also looked the catheter afterwards to make sure he had dropped “all the eggs in the basket”.

Although he gave me a very honest 25% of chances for a take home baby, I am feeling very positive. He wishes I had produced more eggs and he is confident that my main issue is egg quality rather than the endometriosis. He says it could be because of my prolactin levels that have been high for quite some time but isn't endometriosis also a factor in egg quality (in a way doctors don´t really know yet)?

I don´t know what to think. The weird part is that I am 27 years old, I shouldn’t be having egg quality issues. He didn’t really want to talk about options for the future but he did say if this doesn’t work he wants to stimulate me with femara instead of clomid.

I am using progesterone 3 times a day and I will have to have few more injections during this next two weeks. They want to simulate a pregnancy, deceive my body. I have been feeling really bloated and I am not sure how I am going to feel flying back to the States tomorrow.


  1. Yay for transfer! It sounds like you had a couple of decent embryos, and like they say, it only takes one :-) I am glad you are feeling positive. I have become a firm believer that positive thoughts create positive outcomes and it can only be helpful.

    That is so funny about the embryos wanting to "sleep" at night -- they take after you! :-)

  2. Yeah... it only takes one... although I am feeling positive I can help feeling a little nervous, anxious... I don't even know if I want the days to pass... Thanks for all the support, it means a lot to me... :)
